Sue McDowell
Bank of the West
Worland, WY
I worked in management at McDonald’s for 15 years. Glenn’s training was more informative and practical than theirs.
David Boss
NE Iowa Community Action Corporation
Decorah, IA
In 20 years in the Navy and over 30 years in management, this course taught me better than any other.
Brita Tarver
Wiesner Buick GMC Hyundai
Conroe, TX
I’ve been in a leadership role for 28 years and have attended many seminars on leadership and by far, this has been the best.
Ken and Shelly Clark
Horseheads, NY
In an industry where 200% turnover of hourly employees is considered excellent and 125% of managers is average, ours has been 185% for hourly and 50% for managers for the past 3 years thanks to what we learned in this seminar.
Dyan Harden
Texas First Bank
Galveston, TX
I’ve gone to many seminars in my 35+ years in banking, but this one taught me more than I learned in the past. I only wish all my managers could have attended.
Kevin Amico
Plaza Resort and Spa
Daytona Beach, FL
I cannot emphasize enough how important this training is for all that are in management. I’ve trained with Disney, Hilton and specified training in employee psychology. Glenn taught years worth of education in a few hours’ time. I wish I had this available when I entered management.
Melissa Hale
Ponderosa Steakhouse
Benton, KY
Last year sent out 152 W-2’s. I was given a goal this year to have under 100. Mind you that 80% of my employees are under the age of 20, so to maintain staff is difficult. With Glenn’s guidance, I accomplished my goal. Only 92 W-2’s this year with 50 still employed. Great accomplishment if I say so myself!
Jerry White
First Baptist Convention
Jacksonville, FL
I have attended numerous seminars in this field in the past 40 years and this one is by far the best.
Candace Dombrosky
Athens Pulmonary & Allergy
Athens, GA
Let me tell you about the impact Glenn Shepard has had on this medical practice. I’ve been in the workforce for many years and have been to umpteen seminars. Then I discovered Glenn… Someone who thinks like me, has my work ethic, and acknowledges the entitlement mentality of today’s employees. He has answers — real, workable answers, not just theories that don’t work in the real world. I got my boss hooked on Glenn and even a couple of the physicians on the Board. Now THAT makes a difference! My boss even has been known to ask “Has Glenn written anything on that?” when we encounter a new dilemma. (Getting doctors to treat a practice like a business is difficult under the best circumstances). Remember the old commercial “When EF Hutton speaks, people listen”? When I mention GLENN SHEPARD, people listen.
Sara Peden
Baldwin County Probate
Bay Minette, AL
Glenn Shepard’s training is by far the best management training I have ever attended.
Paul Wood
Gulf Coast Vascular Surgeons
Cape Coral, FL
The information given at Glenn’s seminar has been life changing. The exposition on some of the simple principles set forth have the power to change my management performance, work relationships, family relationships and personal management.
Dawn Smith
Buffalo Trace Distillery
Frankfort, KY
Best seminar I’ve ever attended!
Kevin Harrison
EMCO of Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM
I’ve been in management for many years and attended numerous management/leadership seminars and this is by far the greatest course I have attended. I have never attended a seminar that has defined the different generations and cover tips on how to manage people from these different generations so well.
Nora Gilgallon
Tennessee Ophthalmology Consultants
Brentwood, TN
I had recently been promoted to office manager and had no idea what I was doing; no management experience at all. Two weeks later I took this seminar and boy did I learn a lot! Glenn takes a no-nonsense, practical, common-sense approach on how to deal with people. After doing this for a couple of years now, I have realized that employers have become so afraid of reproach from employees that we basically just let them ‘rule the roost’ instead of taking control of our workplace. I have learned to keep issues from disrupting the whole office by using Glenn’s techniques. He’s the reason I’m still managing today.
Michael White
Advanced Cabling Systems
Lowell, AR
I have been a manager for almost 10 years and wish I would have taken this class 11 years ago!
Bill Schutt
Mercy Flight
Buffalo, NY
I very seldom take notes at seminars. But there was so much new and pertinent information in
this one, I couldn’t stop writing.
Anna Kinder
Casper Natroma County Health Department
Casper, WY
I had PTSD from firing an employee 4 days prior to this training and feel if I would have had some of these skills, I would not have lost so much sleep and agonized over the decision.
Brenda Arnold
Children’s Place Nursery School
Rochester, MN
I’m the assistant director at nursery school and have 12 employees. We had lots of problems with gossip. After Glenn’s seminar I used his technique and it all stopped right away. I also have used his warning several times and let me tell you it has also helped with the disrespect and just plain not doing their jobs. THANKS GLENN!!!!
Milton L. Campbell
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Oklahoma City, OK
I went to this seminar as a last minute add-on. Since that time, I’ve attended a couple of seminars by ‘nationally known providers’ of management training where I was subjected to patronizing catchphrases that left me looking at my watch. Glenn’s seminar is now the Gold Standard by which we judge all other management training. Nothing else has even come close. It’s immediately useful, applicable, important information. And because of it, I now have a true A-team that makes coming to work every day enjoyable again.
Karen T. Merrill
JD Bank & Trust
Sulphur, LA
Glenn’s Dr Phil style of in-your-face advice is refreshing. His no nonsense approach gives you practical hands on information that you can put to work immediately.
Sara Cortes
Legacy Texas Bank
Plano, TX
I had an absolute blast! The seminar was jammed back with awesome information that will help me as I continue my role as a manager. Thank you so much for the ultimate educational experience.
Chrisann Tallis
American Vision Center
Bloomington, IL
I have taken many seminars and CE courses in motivation and management. THIS IS NOT A SEMINAR! This is a life changing practical and absolute ESSENTIAL for anyone who manages people. Our doctor’s schedule was crossed out – totally – so we could attend this ‘meeting’. I am not referring to it as a ‘seminar’. Seminars are usually dry and boring and a regretful waste of time. This was empowering, motivating and instills confidence!
Julie Fiese
Daytona International Speedway
Daytona Beach, FL
This seminar has given me the confidence to lead a strong team of individuals.
Linda L. Bean
Dermatology Laser Surgery Center
Centerville, OH
I had a hard time getting my boss, a doctor, to back me up on some difficult staffing problems. After attending this seminar and having those ideas in black and white, my doctor realized that we indeed needed to make some changes. That being firm with lazy people, making others earn their paycheck, and being on time to work was not such a bad thing to do. I recommend this seminar to any manager who is having problems getting their boss to get on board. Thanks Glenn!”
Kris Iseler
Quest Diagnostics
Saginaw, MI
After attending Glenn’s seminar, I have been applying the practices and have improved my employee satisfaction scores by 10% and have eliminated a lot of discontent among the whole group.
Tina Owens
Revere Building Products
Charleston, SC
I called my boss at the first break and told him if I left right then, the seminar was already worth the price of admission.
Jackie Shine-Dixon
Bradford Recovery Systems
Bradford, PA
I’m a fairly new director of a psychiatric department. After attending this seminar at the University of Pittsburgh, I’ve saved a lot of time answering questions presented by staff that I now see are inappropriate and am now able to respond as such. This not only saves time, but helps to show I am in ‘control’ and provides more respect on both ends – myself and staff.
Dana Van Auken
Angola Housing Authority
Angola, IN
Our staff at the Housing Authority was “made” to attend Glenn’s seminar. I was not looking for to another seminar, I was honestly “seminared out”!! BUT, when Glenn started to speak, he was energetic and down to earth. The reason why I say “down to earth” is because I have been to a lot of seminars and most of them I felt detached from the speaker. Not with Glenn. The staff talked for days after the seminar was over. We were all excited to bring back the positive energy and new ideas Glenn set in our minds. I have the “Glenn Shepard’s Rules of Work” poster that I received from at the seminar on my office door. I LOVE it and I abide by it!!
Theresa Hunsicker
Cornerstone Child Development
Bossier City, LA
Glenn has the perfect mix of ethics and leadership. Thanks to him, I enjoy my job again and don’t feel defeated and overwhelmed. His Dr. Phil style of management had gotten inside my psyche, and I’m a much more confident – and happier – person now. My only regret is that I didn’t find this seminar 5 years ago.
Jean Marie Bedeni
Supervisor of Elections Office
Jacksonville, FL
I attended this seminar at the University of North Florida. It was the most effective and relevant seminar I have ever attended. This course should be mandatory for upper management, elected officials and anyone who supervises even just 1 person.
Haniya Arends
Huntsville, AL
I’m a person of few words – but I cannot stop talking about how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to attend this seminar. I have been in management for over 15 years. I wish I had received this training when I started, still, better late than never.
John McFarland
JMP Inc.
Memphis, TN
Excellent, excellent course! I have been to Tom Hopkins and Tony Robbins, and rate Glenn Shepard right there with them – at a fraction of the cost!
Ginger Bogle
Community Hospices of America
Springfield, MO
This seminar is totally responsible for turning our office around.
Ken McCartney
Ingrams Flooring
Amarillo, TX
I am most appreciative that the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce brought in Glenn’s seminar. In the past 3 years, I’ve had a complete turnover every 6 months until this last year, which has been hard on business. This last time I hired two young men in the 25-year-old group and always very unsuccessful in the past. Since Glenn’s input on how these guys think, work, and communicate, I have the best staff I’ve had in years. I have always been a huge fan of Zig Ziglar and Glenn does as good a job and maybe better from a manager/owner’s perspective. It really made a positive and productive impact on my business.
Pat McCabe
Cornell University Cooperative Education
Schenectady, NY
This seminar was the best one I have been to in 20 years in management.
Joseph Laubacher
Laubacher Upholstery, Inc.
Canton, OH
Our company is a small family business with 9 employees. Glenn helped identify problem employees (or those who will be) and how to deal with them. He helped make me a more confident manager. Thank you for the work you do. As Paul Harvey used to say, lead on!
Captain Steve Gilbert
Bedford Police Dept
Bedford, IN
I have adopted Glenn’s “Rules of Work” because I’m sick and tired of this entitlement mentality. It’s time we get back to basics and appreciate what we have and who we are working for. People may not like to admit it, but they want and need to have strong boundaries and leadership. It gives them security and direction.
Alba Rosati Gonzalez
Chris-Tel Construction
Fort Myers, FL
Less than 1/3 into the half-day session, we were SOLD.
Jenny L. Johnson
Armstrong Relocation
Huntsville, AL
Will be using today’s skills – especially for setting boundaries. Best tip I learned: “Behavior that gets rewarded gets repeated”!
Finis E. Kelso
Taco Bell
West Plains, MO
Since attending this seminar I have changed my whole approach to hiring & firing employees. In short, I have grown my backbone. In my office hangs one of Glenn’s quotes… “Don’t marry someone you intend to change, or hire people you intend to fix”. My company is currently upgrading our evaluation process due to Glenn’s views on that process. Thank you for making me a better more decisive owner & making our organization stronger.
Robin Peregrim
Miller’s Orchards Farm Market
Clarks Summit, PA
My introduction to Glenn was at this seminar in Scranton. I found myself in a room with managers from corporations much larger than mine. There I was thinking, what’s the owner of a farm market doing in this room? But I found a seat and proceeded to soak in all that he had to say. Even someone with my limited background could understand and feel empowered. I came out of that day feeling like I FINALLY had an idea of how to go about doing some of the things I should have been doing all along. I’ve spent countless hours at seminars, reading books, etc. But what I have gained from Glenn has been of greatest value to me. Thank you for helping this small-business person gain the confidence needed to make this a viable operation.
Roija Riley
Tanner Medical Center
Carrollton, GA
I really appreciate you giving SPECIFIC ways to address specific problems. Other leadership seminars I have attended were more general.
Tonya Gilliam
Century Printing & Packaging
Greer, SC
This seminar was great. It taught me how to manage some of my troubled employees. It also taught me to stop being so soft, and to get them to finish a task that they started.
Mel Fields
Developmental Services, Inc
Columbus, IN
Glenn is truly outstanding!!! The two most meaningful and helpful trainings I have been to are Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Glenn Shepard’s management seminar.
Lesa Shelton
Carbondale Towers
Carbondale, IL
The most valuable lesson I learned was that I should not be expected to justify every direction I give. I keep the “Five Magic Words” Glenn gave me in mind, give direction with more authority, and my staff actually gives me what I want. Thanks for your seminar!
Nancy Brandel, RN
Pauline Faulk Centre Behavioral Health Unit
Rayne, LA
As a result of attending this seminar, I have definitely improved my management skills. I have become more assertive and let my expectations be known. I no longer allow small infractions slide to the point where I almost lose control of my unit.
Tasha Jones
Two Men and a Truck
Huntsville, AL
If you think you’re an excellent manager, think this seminar. It will open your eyes to all the things you can change that will impact your business for the better!
Lequitta Watters
Momentum Telecom
Cartersville, GA
This seminar was phenomenal! The information was rich and extremely relevant to managing today. Glenn was thorough and left no stone unturned. Extremely knowledgeable! I’m confident that it will change the way we lead and supervise teams. Thank You a million times over to the chamber of commerce for bringing Glenn to Cartersville!
Randy Jameson
Adorn LLC
Elkhart, IN
I manage a 30-employee plant and have been using Glenn’s material for two years now. I’m proud to say that the last two years have been the best of my career! We actually made it 13 consecutive months without terminating or having anyone quit, which is a record!
Rhonda Blankenship
Holiday Inn Express
West Plains, MO
I found Glenn at a turning point in my life. I’m the GM of a Holiday Inn Express (for the past 12 years at the same property) and like all managers have all the problems that go along with the job. I not only deal with my staff but also have the pleasure of dealing with the public. At one point I wondered if this was actually what I wanted to do with my life. I loved my job but was letting my staff walk all over me. There was little respect, and I knew I had done it to myself. Then I found Glenn and have gotten my life back. My staff now has respect for me, and my family is happier because I’m not as stressed as I was. As with any job you’ll have your good days as well as the bad. Glenn has helped make my bad days better. I have used what he has given me to deal with various situations with the staff and have caught myself dealing with problem customers with grace also.
Debbie Martinez
Rocky Mountain Aspen Ranch Springs
La Luz, NM
This seminar is phenomenal. I really appreciate the techniques on appropriate responses, motivation and recruiting new quality employees.
Anya Morrison-Brown
Statesville Housing Authority
Statesville, NC
This seminar gave me the fundamental tools to empower my staff and colleagues to become and revisit leadership, customer service and working with each other.
Lisa Kroheler
I Do Windows!, LLC
Lima, OH
Even after being in business for 20+ years, I learned a lot, especially about hiring employees.
Stanley Wilkins
Lee County Detention Center
Opelika, AL
I’m a 25-year retired Military Vet and didn’t think I could learn much from this seminar. I was wrong. Glenn has many techniques that even the Military could and should use. I think not only should this training be given to leaders, but potential leaders as well.
Elizabeth Deola
Early Learning Coalition of Marion County
Ocala, FL
This seminar should be a requirement before promoting or hiring anyone into management.
Debby Long
Dalton CVB
Dalton, GA
I’ve attended several seminars and have completed master’s level coursework in management. This one genuinely delivers. I’ll come to all Glenn Shepard Seminars!
Heather Lee
Cedar Rapids, IA
Glenn, I said what you told me to say and got the management promotion!!! Also the pay raise is awesome – $10,000! Can you believe it? Thank you again for everything!
Julie Watkins
McDaniel Family Eye Care
Shelbyville, IN
Before attending this seminar, I was having a lot of difficulty in the office and was pretty much at the end of my rope dealing with office problems on what seemed like a daily basis. After attending, I had a whole new outlook on how I handled office situations. I used two of his methods the very next day! Today our office is back on track and my stress level has been greatly reduced.
Sandy Spencer
Alpha Loans, Inc.
Monroe, LA
After 13 years, I have been to a number of seminars. This was by far the best!
Mary K. McReynolds
Burger King
Kingsport, TN
I must say the most empowering statement I learned and have practiced repeatedly is Glenn’s “Five Magic Words”. It has taken some by surprise and has made the culprit have to dig deep to explain their words or actions. This phrase when stated unemotionally but firmly can turn almost any situation around. Thank you for a simple but powerful statement which yields incredible results.
Lauren Donovan
S.T.A.R. Afterschool Program
Orange Park, FL
After starting in my first management position at the age 22, I knew nothing about managing a staff of 5. You’ll never know how much information I received from this seminar. I left work this morning scared of my position, and now going back to work scared for my employees.
Lori Lundeen
Kavanagh Law Firm
Peoria, IL
Not only helpful in a professional way, but also learned more about myself personally than I expected! Great information that I can’t wait to use to make myself and my co-workers more productive and just over-all better human beings.
Vicki Langan
AFC Urgent Care
Temple, TX
As a “seasoned executive” I attended today’s seminar with the preconceived notion that I already knew everything that would be presented (I was doing this as a mentoring opportunity for my younger employee). I was pleasantly surprised by the useful, practical information delivered in an entertaining manner.
Carla Morris McBee
Wetzel County EMS
Martinsburg, WV
This seminar helped me realize my power as the Boss and the Leader. I left feeling empowered to lead my employees in the direction I want them to go.
Aaron Roybal
Cheyenne, WY
Thanks for cutting out the “management fluff” and getting straight to the topics that can be actionable!
Brian McGlone
Florida Hospital East
Orlando, FL
The impact of Glenn’s seminar on this hospital been phenomenal. I used his “Five Magic Words” on an employee who refused to retrieve a patient’s belongings from another facility. She was dumbfounded.
Rosemary Galayda
Lake Country Prosecutor
Painesville, OH
I learned more in this seminar than in 10 years as a supervisor!
Nancy and Ted Heaton
Ted Heaton State Farm
Austin, TX
We’ve attended Glenn’s live program and consulted with him on several occasions. Glenn Shepard is the one resource who understands how to solve the real-world challenges of managing people better than anyone.
Linda Cooper
Alpine Dental
Cheyenne, WY
I was coming today thinking “what could he teach me after 20 years in management, but you proved me wrong”. Loved section on firing people. I always made the mistake of apologizing.
Rachel Scott
Meyer Dana Orthodontics
Gillette, WY
I was afraid you were going to tell me why I shouldn’t be a manager, so I greatly appreciate being reminded that being firm did not mean being mean and that silence implies consent.
John S. D’Aray
Selex Galileo, Inc.
Huntsville, AL
I’ve never been to a seminar like this before. Glenn offered straightforward and simple solutions to a manager of various employee types, and the unwanted behaviors associated with these personality types. It directly explained how to deal with problematic employees.
Stefan Eubanks
Calvary Baptist Church
Batesville, AR
I’m the pastor of a small Baptist church and manage 1 full time secretary and 2 part time employees. 99% of the time all is well, but on occasion need clarification and Glenn helped me see that it was well within the scope of my position and power to ask for meaning from mystic musings woven into seemingly innocent conversation. It has been a real eye-opener.
Gloria Letendre
Gulf Coast Humane Society
Fort Myers, FL
Looking forward to using Glenn’s ‘Five Magic Words’ in the next situation at work (or at Home).
Tom Cunningham
4Site, Inc.
Huntsville, AL
I thought I knew a lot about people management, but I found how much more I didn’t know. Great info that I can put to use immediately in the workplace and at home.
Christie Cornwell
Barnsley Resort
Adairsville, GA
A mind-blowing experience. Very insightful in every aspect. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of such a great and gratifying seminar.
Brandie Swanson
Hospice Compass
Bloomington, IL
The best leadership seminar I’ve ever been to. Can’t wait to begin using these new skills.
Rocky Schmoock
HC Blake Co
Huntsville, AL
Wish I would have attended this sooner. Learned so much on how to deal with people. This is relevant to any business or trade because you always have to deal with people.
Mary Jane Blair, RN
Family Medicine of Urbandale
Urbandale, IA
I went to The Glenn Shepard Management Seminar workshop in Des Moines. I was not sure that I would be able to use the information in a medical setting….Wrong! I use Glenn’s material as a reference every week or more Our yearly evaluations of employees this year was a new group of staff for me. I used his guidelines for asking ‘the 3 questions’ to the employees. I received useful feedback and they expressed THAT they appreciated me taking the time to ask.
Candace Runnels
Valepro, LLC
Huntsville, AL
Mr. Shepard teaches on all the issues today’s managers encounters. His examples are humorous but right on target. This is not your everyday hum-drum seminar; you cannot help but be caught up with the high-energy and extremely insightful discussions of people’s behaviors and how to deal with it.
Sheila Seiler
Susan G. Komen Evansville Tri-State
Evansville, IN
I learned more in the training about the different generations; how they think, feel, learn, work, dress, etc. than I have learned in any other training I have ever received. PHENOMENAL information! This is so helpful for current employees and future interviews.
Annie Crenshaw
Mobile, AL
I was asked to replace another employee who was not able to make the seminar. My first thought was “Another boring seminar”. To my surprise it was nothing like an ordinary seminar. At break I called my supervisor to thank her for sending me.
Fred Bruner
Max Merritt Packard Parts
Franklin, IN
I have benefitted greatly from this seminar, especially Glenn’s response to one particular question. “Grow a backbone, it’s your company” is something that I know, but sometimes it’s an idea that we need hit over the head with as we are continually confronted by our “entitlement minded” employees with their hands out! Thank you for reinforcing this idea for us. Thank you also for sharing your acquired wisdom.
George Pimentel
Volunteer State Community College
Gallatin, TN
I wish I had taken this seminar 10 years ago.
Diana Black
Owens Crossroads, AL
Now I have a good response to “Why do I have to do this?”. Being here at this seminar with other managers, seeing others having the same struggles, helps motivate me to do better. Thank You Glenn!
Gary Cornn
Honda of Indiana
Greensburg, IN
I have been to many seminars through work and this has been the most management knowledge that I have gained and will be able to use it immediately!
Brian Olson
Premier Cuts
San Marcos, TX
I think this seminar was far superior to your 2012 seminar. I felt you gave me more great examples for everyone to understand everything. I will be back.
Greg Harrell
Marion County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller
Ocala, FL
Glenn’s enthusiasm and passion for the subject matter is infectious. He really articulates a wealth of helpful, practical information on how to best supervise people and lead a team. Attending this seminar was time well spent.
Christie Cornwell
Barnsley Resort
Adairsville, GA
A mind-blowing experience. Very insightful in every aspect. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of such a great and gratifying seminar.
Tyler Stentiford
Stentiford Construction
Ocala, FL
I have been to several workshops and seminars, but this is by far the best one! Great seminar with priceless information.
Denise Williams
Clarksville, TN
The information on generational differences and personalities was priceless. Knowing that my Millennial employees need constant affirmation was eye opening. Best Seminar EVER!
Cheryl Fountain
Spencer Family Medicine, P.C.
Cartersville, GA
As office manager of a growing medical practice, I am finding myself feeling like I am babysitting. My staff ranges in age from 30 – 64. There is constant conflict because of gossiping. I am at a point to start over with a new staff. Today has been tremendous in helping me to see I am the problem. My approach has been completely wrong. I will leave here today with the confidence I need to lead my staff. Respect is a big issue and I have not held staff to that. I will not think about what they say about me. I will earn respect.
Mary Jane Toscano
Cone Distributing, Inc.
Ocala, FL
Glenn, I have subscribed to your newsletters for years – it was wonderful to finally hear you speak. Our company uses the firm, fair and consistent mode while making exceptions for exceptional people.
Sonja Johnson
Woodright Industries
Cartersville, GA
I’ve attended several leadership seminars and supervisor/management classes, BUT this seminar is by far the BEST!
Merecedes Butts
Security First Insurance Company
Ormond Beach, FL
Glenn really, really understands what goes on in the workplace. Hearing someone “spell it out” is really helpful to know how to handle difficult situations.
Valerie Grant
Sumner County Health Dept.
Hendersonville, TN
This seminar was amazing! I would swear that Glenn Shepard has been in our clinic observing to tell us exactly what we need to know!
Jeff Crosby
Dixie Industrial Sales, Inc.
Thomasville, GA
I found this to be the most helpful and informative seminar I have ever attended.
Beth Walsh Stewart
Countryside Family Farms
Vero Beach, FL
I’ve been a manager for 40 years, but Glenn’s presentation gave me wonderful new insights to employee relations. Though I would recommend the seminar to novices, I encourage “old-timers” to shake up their sedentary methods by enlisting some of the verbiage and strategies offered. My employees are in for some new trends when I get back!
Christa Brown
Women’s Care Center
LaPorte, IN
I learned more in the first hour of Glenn’s seminar than I have in others that were two-day programs.
Reva Whitehead
Kid’s Central, Inc.
Wildwood, FL
Learned facts of termination that could cost my company a lot of money!
Melissa Sprouse
Graceland Portable Buildings
Bardwell, KY
This seminar is needed by all managers at any stage of their career. Best training I’ve been too!
Betty Burchett
Legends Bank
Clarksville, TN
I am a certified John Maxwell team member. I heard so many useable management tools today that I have never heard in my 40 year career.
Karen Bonnett
VOA-Camelot Pines Apartments
Conroe, TX
I have taken a lot of management & supervisory courses over the last 10 years, but I learned more and have more info to take back to my employees from this one.
Wyvette Pryor-Cousin
Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
Lake Charles, LA
This is my second Glenn Shepard seminar. Each time Glenn has left me wanting more and wanting to be an even and more effective manager.
Douglas LaRue
Circle Auto Parts
Midland, MI
Glenn, you have helped me get back to being a leader, not a baby-sitter.
Ruth Liedle
Nebraska Department of Labor
Lincoln, NE
The BEST management seminar I have attended!
Kim Botto
Cornell Cooperation Education
Schenectady, NY
Thank You Mr. Shepard. I’ve been to a “million” of these things and this has been the most useful and relevant one. Thank you for keeping it real.
Philip Romero
Mensor LP
San Marcos, TX
I have l literally been a manager for a little over 24 hours, but I feel I have obtained valuable tools for dealing with the team I have inherited.
Matt Ballou
WyHy Federal Credit Union
Cheyenne, WY
How to deal with each personality type was fantastic! That alone made the presentation worth attending!
Kira Boyd
Synergy Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine
Jacksonville, NC
The information in the first hour was worth the cost of the course. Great strategies to confront and address employee issues. We brought our entire leadership team and it was money well spent!
Jean Romeu
City of San Marcos
San Marcos, TX
Used information learned in this seminar to make critical decisions that brought awesome outcomes for the company and the working place. The working environment was a lot better when some of the techniques were applied and used.
Faith Sheaffer-Polen
Kent State University at Stark
Canton, OH
The “Five Magic Words” were worth the price of the seminar right there. Observation: Very few people were checking phones/texting during your seminar. Everyone was engaged.
Dale Jackson
Clarksville, TN
This is my 4th or 5th seminar of Glenn’s that I have attended. I learn something new every time I attend. Thank you for all these seminars and helping teach managers to be managers.
Carla Merritt
Hays Caldwell Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
San Marcos, TX
I have attended this particular seminar 3 times. Each time I learn something new! I also receive Glenn’s weekly e-newsletters and they are invaluable. Hope to see you next year.
Jeff Baergen
San Marcos Academy
San Marcos, TX
Glenn’s delivery was direct and filled with common sense. My wife and I took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course and Glenn’s content and delivery very much reminded me of Dave’s course.
George Pimentel
Volunteer State Community College
Gallatin, TN
I wish I had taken this seminar 10 years ago.
Mike Palmer
Urgent Care of Texas
Spring Branch, TX
Over the years I have attended several management seminars and today’s was by far the most enlightening. The insights offered were particular inspired and well presented.
Kristi Montemayor
Moody Gardens
Galveston, TX
Glenn was amazing! Best seminar ever.
Kira Burns
Dave Burns Plumbing
Milwaukee, WI
Glenn showed me how important it is to be firm yet consistent when dealing with complications and struggles in running a business, especially being a woman in a field that’s male dominated.
Pam Hoffman
Bay City Feed
Bay City, TX
This seminar was an affirmation of the few things I am doing right, but more of what I am doing wrong. What really made this seminar worthwhile for me were the tips on Performance Evaluations and on recruiting employees.
Brent Coe
Iron Creek Construction
Cheyenne, WY
I really have to be honest, I came here thinking I was just gonna fall asleep because my kids kept me up last night. Boy was I wrong! This was amazing.
Michelle Ogden
Wood Forest National Bank
Bay City, TX
This seminar has opened my eyes to what changes I need to make to change the workplace morale and to change how I do performance evaluations.
Stacy Daniels
Hilltop Bank
Casper, WY
This seminar is life changing – can be applied to more areas than just the workplace. These are facts that will never change, they will always work.
Penny Hon
Mid-Cities Air Conditioning
Ft. Worth, TX
I was completely frustrated with one employee prior to attending this seminar. He did a great job but had a very bad attitude. I went to this seminar in order to find out how to legally fire him. However, with the tools that Glenn taught us, I was able to turn him around. He’s a much better employee due to the fact that Glenn showed me how to be a much better manager.
City, ST
Debbie Ravey
Texas City, TX
I was prepared to be bored – like most seminars I have attended. But this one by far was the most informative seminar ever!