The “Dirty Little Secret” Glenn Kept from His Father for Over 20 Years

Glenn’s father was a humble mechanic whose big dream was for him to be the first person in the family to go to college.


A four year degree only cost $5,000 back then but it was still a lot of money. Glenn applied for an Air Force ROTC scholarship but his father insisted on paying for it because he wanted to give his son the opportunity he never had.


He only asked one thing – to put it to use after graduation and not waste it.


Glenn majored in Industrial Management at a major state university and struggled but managed to get through.


He interviewed nonstop his senior year and had multiple job offers lined up months before graduation. Each time he received an offer, he called his father to share the good news. Glenn never saw him cry but was sure he could hear tears of pride in his dad’s voice with each call.


He eventually accepted a management trainee position with a great company – but was soon devastated to discover a brutal reality that haunts him to this day:


Most of what he learned in college was useless in the real world. The college degree helped him get a job, but did virtually nothing to help him do the job after he got hired.


Because he knew it would have crushed his father, Glenn kept this to himself and never spoke of it publicly until after his father passed away.


Not one of those textbooks addressed in-the-trenches managers in the real world have to deal with. Things like how to find people to hire, how to get people to come to work on time, how to do performance evaluations, and a million other things.


And that’s why Glenn Shepard Seminars was founded… to provide real solutions for managers who have to deal with real problems in the real world.

Glenn’s seminars have been hosted by over 400 colleges, universities, and chambers of commerce around the country.

Whether you attend in person or online, his promise is that 100% of what you learn will be 100% applicable in the real world. 

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